Monday, October 22, 2012

Ran 4 miles yesterday!

I start week 4 (or is it 5) tomorrow.  I have not been doing so good with the eating but good with the working out.  I ran 3 times and did yoga twice. I would like to get in another day doing sprints and another day or two doing yoga or pilates.
My current goal is 135 by Dec 15.  That is 6 pounds in about 7 weeks. I better get on it!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ran 3.5 miles yesterday

The running is coming along!  Saturday I ran 2 miles in the pouring rain. Sunday, I ran 3.5 miles - the end of Week 2 of my 10K training.  Tomorrow I am starting week 3. 
I went to yoga 3 times last week, and I was so sore from pilates!

I have not been weighing and I have been eating around 1500 calories a day.  I know I have not been losing, so I am going to go down to 1300 ish the next week or two and see what happens then.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


So I gained 1 pound back after going off of my diet 2 weeks ago.  That is not as bad as I thought it would be!  I have only been running 3 days a week and not even watching what I am eating that closely.

Today I did run 2.5 miles.  This is week 1 of training for a 10k. I love having a heart rate monitor.  I find that if I can stay in the 160's my run is really enjoyable.  150's and I am getting tired and feel slow.  170's and running becomes hard and my stomach starts to cramp up.  It has been such a useful tool, because I can change my pace really easily to keep it in the 160's.  I am currently running a 11 min 30 second mile.  I was 13-14 min mile a few months ago, so that is progress!  I know I can get closer to 10 in the next few months.

I plan on eating about 1500 calories today.  I am also going to a vinyasa yoga class tonight.  I love that my yoga studio has daycare!  I am officially having them withdraw the membership fee out of my checking account, so I will be a member for good!  Excited about getting back into it after 6 week break.