Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I am down to 134.2. My goal is 120's by Feb 1 and 124 by March 1! Currently I am 4 pound below pre pregnancy weight. Lost 56 pounds since Lila was born!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I am hoping I can lose 3 more pounds in the next month to get to 135 by Dec 15th!  My ultimate goal would be 125, but I am not sure if I will be able to get below 130. 

I ran 5 miles on Sunday...my hip is starting to bother me the more I run.  I only have 5 more run until my 10k training program is over though!  It has been getting cold so I am looking forward to it!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trouble controlling my eating!

Ok, so running 3 days a week plus yoga 3-4 days a week is really increasing my appetite!  I am so hungry and not making good choices.  Yesterday I probably ate 10 pieces of Halloween candy.  Tonight I am going to La bodega with my friend Cassie and I plan on having 2 glasses of sangria, plus some tapas.  So, I will be over my calories again.  I think I need to start documenting my food on here again.

2 pieces of wheat toast

Turkey sandwich on deli flat with yellow peppers strips that I dipped in light ranch.  I also had some pop chips and pirate's booty and a snack sized kit kat. 

So, I guess I haven't done too bad.
I am up to 143.  I am thinking I need to drink some green tea in the afternoon to help with the hunger.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ran 4 miles yesterday!

I start week 4 (or is it 5) tomorrow.  I have not been doing so good with the eating but good with the working out.  I ran 3 times and did yoga twice. I would like to get in another day doing sprints and another day or two doing yoga or pilates.
My current goal is 135 by Dec 15.  That is 6 pounds in about 7 weeks. I better get on it!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ran 3.5 miles yesterday

The running is coming along!  Saturday I ran 2 miles in the pouring rain. Sunday, I ran 3.5 miles - the end of Week 2 of my 10K training.  Tomorrow I am starting week 3. 
I went to yoga 3 times last week, and I was so sore from pilates!

I have not been weighing and I have been eating around 1500 calories a day.  I know I have not been losing, so I am going to go down to 1300 ish the next week or two and see what happens then.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


So I gained 1 pound back after going off of my diet 2 weeks ago.  That is not as bad as I thought it would be!  I have only been running 3 days a week and not even watching what I am eating that closely.

Today I did run 2.5 miles.  This is week 1 of training for a 10k. I love having a heart rate monitor.  I find that if I can stay in the 160's my run is really enjoyable.  150's and I am getting tired and feel slow.  170's and running becomes hard and my stomach starts to cramp up.  It has been such a useful tool, because I can change my pace really easily to keep it in the 160's.  I am currently running a 11 min 30 second mile.  I was 13-14 min mile a few months ago, so that is progress!  I know I can get closer to 10 in the next few months.

I plan on eating about 1500 calories today.  I am also going to a vinyasa yoga class tonight.  I love that my yoga studio has daycare!  I am officially having them withdraw the membership fee out of my checking account, so I will be a member for good!  Excited about getting back into it after 6 week break.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The good, the bad

The good:
I ran twice this week, and plan to again tomorrow.  I am running 2 miles each run until Oct 1, and then I am going follow a 10k training schedule. I am going to run 3 days a week and then do a HIIT workout on my treadmill one morning a week.  I am also joining my yoga studio on Oct 1, so I am hoping to go to 4 yoga/pilates classes a week. 
The bad:
I am done with the alternate day diet.  I am done starving myself one day, and eating way too much the next.  Plus, I have not lost any weight in 2-3 weeks.  I did lose 7 pds on it, and I am afraid I am going to gain it back!
New diet plan is 1400 cal a day on the days I work out.  1200 on the days I don't.  I am going to try to not weigh for a month so I don't get discouraged.

Here is my food for today:
Breakfast- 1 bowl chex, 1 tortilla
Lunch- 1 piece of frozen pizza, 1 banana
Dinner- Stuffed shells with cooking light's alfredo sauce, peas and 1 piece of garlic bread.
Snack- 1 smore - we went on a hay ride.
1400 or so total.

I may post a pic soon!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Still at 140.8

And I am getting mad!  I really want to be done with this diet, but I want to be in the 130's before I stop.  I was hoping to get down to 136 or something so when I stop, it will be fine if I gain back a pound or two.

I went on a 2 mile run yesterday, it felt so great!  I can't wait to run again this weekend.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Or at least I dipped down to there at one time this week.  Today I was up to 140.8.  I am pretty sure I have PMS again.  My period has been every 21 days, which means I have my period for half the month!  I only have a 2 week chance to lose weight each month.  That sucks! 
I have decided I am going off of this diet when I hit 135.  Hoping to hit that by mid October and then just working on toning up!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


I lost .6 pds this week. Last week I lost nothing as I was on my period again. Only 2 pds left to 138.6, my first goal! I have a sore throat, cold and headache today and I am not sure that I am going to be able to stay at 400 calories! I already have had 280 and it is 2:45. Planning on staying on this diet at least another week or two.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Plateau broken! I was getting really frustrated and told Lee I was only doing this until Aug 31, but if I lose more I will continue! Only 2.6 pounds left! I have been truly alternating down and up days this week instead of having two up days each weekend. I was sabotaging myself!

Friday, August 17, 2012


Yeesh, I gained this week. I have an up day today and I am eating way too many calories because I am eating lunch and dinner out. Tomorrow I am doing a medium day..1000 cal or so and then I am no longer having Fri/Sat be up days. Only 1, because I am eating way too much! I am only doing this for sure until Sept 1. I only have 2 weeks to lose almost 4 pds!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I do so bad on my up days

So I weighed today, after 3 ups days and 1 down day and I was 145!  I have been eating too much on my up days, but I always do great on my down days.  I am going to weigh in on Friday and I was really wanting to be 142.  I have 2 down days and 1 up day so it may be doable.

Friday, August 10, 2012


Which is awesome because I am on my period. Hoping for 141 next Friday! Only 4 1/2 pounds left. I can totally do that by Sept 1!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

An updated pic

So I don't have a full body pic, but I don't think I have updated for a long time so I think you can tell I am looking a little bit thinner!

I started my period again,(so early) so I don't know that I am going to weigh this week.  Probably next Friday.  But I can tell you that I need to eat better on my up days.  I did good yesterday but ate too much pizza and cookies last weekend. 
Kellen had a family picnic at preschool and I did not pack a lunch, as it is a down day.  I ate a little of Lila's cheese but that is it.  I have realized I do best if I don't eat all day until dinner and then eat a small dinner.  I will probably eat spinach stuffed shells for dinner, leftover.  So after today, I am working in the evenings the next 5 down days, so August should fly.  It is so much easier not to eat when I am working! 
I think my ultimate goal might be 130, not 125.  14 more pounds just seems so much more doable right now!

Friday, August 3, 2012


6 pounds left!  Hoping for 143 by next Friday.  142 would be a bonus :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I weigh in tomorrow.

I am betting I am still at 145.  Maybe 144 if I am lucky.  All I have had to eat today is a few bites of eggs.  I made 20 breakfast burritos for the freezer!  Dinner is a leftover chicken breast with a salad- lettuce, spinach and caesar dressing.  That should put me at 400 calories.
Tuesday I ate 600 because I was not feeling well.  200 over, but I have another sinus infection.  Started my Z-Pac today.  I have an addiction to Diet A and W root beer on my down days!

I have not done great on my up days so that is why I don't think I will lose.  Saturday Lee and I went to Schlitterbahn without kids and then we ate at Firehouse subs on the way home.  I had a bag of baked chips and a whole briskit sandwich!  Normally I would eat half, but I knew I would starve the next day so I wanted to finish it.  Sunday I did good, with 400 calories. 
Monday was our anniversary so I made breakfast for Lee.  Usually I try to have a small breakfast- less than 200 calories, but I had a breakfast burrito, which was over 300.  Then for dinner I had a Smore's martini and 2 glasses of wine, plus a ton of fondue at The Melting Pot.  It was our 7th anniversary.  The next say was my 600 cal day and then yesterday the sinus infection was still in full effect so I know I ate over 1600 cal.  My goal on up days is 1400-1500.

So doing good today and I hope I don't blow it on my up days on Fri/Sat.  I am definitely going to do the diet at least 1 more week and if I keep losing, I will do it the rest of August.  7 pds left!

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Broke through my plateau! So I lost 2 pounds the first week of the diet. This is great because I also started taking 1 water pill a day instead of 2 so it is a miracle I lost at all. Today is a down day but I know I can do it. Hoping for 143 on Friday!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

End of day 6 of my diet.

And 3 days of 400 calories.  I am weighing in tomorrow and am excited to see if I have lost.  I had a headache this afternoon and was really hungry after about 3 pm.  This has been the hardest day yet.  But I am committing myself to this for at least 2 weeks. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 3 of Diet

So Saturday was my first day of 400 cal, and I ended at 420 for the day.  I also went to a pilates class.  On Sunday I ran 2 miles and ate 1500 calories.  I made a peach and cherry crisp and homemade vanilla bean ice cream and it was so nice to be able to eat that!  Eating 1500 instead of 1100 seems like so much more food!
Today is a down day, meaning 400 calories.  I had 2 cups of green tea and 1 small peach for breakfast.  I just had lunch at 1:30 and could not finish it!  I has a 100 calorie can of Select Harvest soup.  I will probably finish it in a couple of hours.  For dinner, I have leftover Mexican Stuffed peppers.  I had halves of peppers, and they only have 240 calories, so I should be able to eat one for dinner and still be at 400 for the day.

I am going to try to wait to weigh in on Saturday morning.  That would give me a whole week, or 4 down days under my belt to see if this is working yet.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Alternate Day Diet

First day of my new diet tomorrow.  I am trying to eat 400 cal a day, on my down days, and around 1400-1500 on my up days.  I am not going to work out for the first 2 weeks, except for one run a week to maintain.  I plan on running tomorrow morning.

Here is my eating plan:
2 small peachs for breakfast - we got a peck from a local farm
Can of Select Harvest soup for lunch - 100 calories
Luna bar for dinner-
Apple for late night snack.  I work until 11:30 tomorrow night.

I have went on very low calories diets before- 800  cal for a week or 10 days  so I think I will have the willpower for 400 since I can eat normal the next day.

This diet is supposed to keep your body from going in starvation mode.  I still want to lose 9 pounds by Labor Day weekend.  I think that is 6 weeks away.  Hoping this diet will help and then my baby weight will be gone!

I have been loving yoga and pilates.  My body is getting so strong and I know my abs will be really flat once I finish losing this weight!


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Did ok today.

Went to a yoga class this morning and was asking my instructor about the blood type diet after class.  She is really into it and holds classes about it.  I have read the books, but I have found parts of it confusing.  Interestingly, she seems to think that I am not eating enough, which is why I am not losing weight when I work out.  When I stop working out, I am eating the same, but losing weight because I am not in starvation mode.  Interesting.  I might bump things up a little bit.  I may do the diet, but I think I might push it to fall.

If I do decide to do a diet, I got the Alternate Day Diet from the library.  I am surprised I never heard of it before.  You eat a normal diet one day, and the next day you eat 500 calories.  You have 3 low cal days a week and activates the skinny gene.   I think I am try that later in August.  Still going to give myself another month of doing what I am doing!

We had Waldo pizza buffet for lunch, but I did not go crazy and had a light lunch and pretty light dinner!

Friday, July 13, 2012

I guess I am going to have to stop working out again...

It seems it is the only way I have been losing lately!  I think after my period is over, I am going to not work out for the rest of the month and some of August and see what happens. I love going to yoga, though, and I am paid up until the end of August.  And the kids drive me crazy which is why I look to work out in the morning!

I am excited about running more in the fall.  Right now I am just trying to hold steady until the heat breaks and then I am going to ramp it up in the fall. 

I was under 1200 calories again yesterday.  I don't know what the problem is, I have been eating so good!
Today I had an english muffin with almond butter for breakfast.  Lunch was a homemade chicken caesar salad.  I could eat one of those almost every day!  I am working tonight, but bringing leftovers with me.  Greek yogurt chicken, sweet potato gnocchi and asparagus.

Not going to let me myself weigh again until Monday or Tuesday.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I don't understand why I am platuead again.  I feel like I am stuck for a couple weeks before I finally drop a few pounds.  I am probably going to start my period early next week and I want to be 145 before then!

I have been feeling like I will be stuck here forever and it is depressing me.  And I have said we aren't going to have another baby until I finish losing my weight.  So then I get upset because I think I won't ever be able to have another baby if I decide for sure that I want to.

I went to Vinyasa yoga last night and I was sore this morning, but still made it to pilates.  I have been to 4 yoga classes this week. 
I bumped my calories up to 1200 because I was getting pissed eating 1100 but not losing anything!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am still hoping to be 145 by Friday!  I ate 1125 calories today and am hoping I will be close today.
I walked Kellen to preschool today.  Pushing the double stroller, it takes me about 30 minutes round trip.  Then I went to Vinyasa yoga- I love that class.  My arms are shaky after it!

I had a bowl of honey bunches of oat for breakfast.  Lunch was 1/2 a hamburger bun with taco meat and 1/2 an ounce of cheese.  We have leftover mexican food tonight.  Tacos, rice and black beans.  I am making homemade tortillas for the first time today.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

New resolve

I was at 146.8 yesterday.  I really want to be 145 by Friday.  I am planning on going to yoga or pilates 4 or 5 times this week, plus run on Sunday.  In July I am just going to run 1 day each week to keep up my endurance to see if I can lose weight just with the yoga.  I am also going to lower my calories down to 1100 on some days. I am going to pick up the running more in the fall.  I should be able to get in 3-4 runs a week.  I love the fall!
I can tell you that losing weight is harder with the 2nd baby.  Granted, I only had to lose 22 pounds or so but I was eating around 1400 cal a day and the weight was coming off at the same pace.

Here are my weight goals:
Aug 1-142
Sept 1- 138 
Oct 1- 134
Nov 1- 130
Dec 1- 125

Basically 1 pound a week for the next 5 months.  Taking this weight off is taking forever!  If I meet my goal I would have lost 53 pounds in 13 months. 

I am getting sick of feeling fat for so long.  I just want to feel normal again.  I got a few bad pictures taken this weekend and I am going to print it out and put it on my fridge!  I just want out of the 140's and I think I will feel a little better.

Today I had a fab breakfast at the bed and breakfast.  I am giving myself 600 calories for breakfast.  I did not eat it all. I left the salad, half a potato and half the quiche.  I finished the fruit and french toast though!  I have two tacos from Jack in the Box on the way home.  340 calories.  I am not cooking tonight.  We are either having plain leftover pasta with red sauce or I am going to just have a protein shake.  It is still hot here, so having a cool protein shake actually sounds really good!  I just have to keep my hands off the snack mix!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ugh, back up to 148

I had a  bad sinus infection Friday and Saturday and had an awful headache/mirgrain to go with it.  So I ate whatever I wanted since I felt crappy.  Then I did not keep track of my calories on Sunday because I ate leftovers from Rumors Steakhouse and I didn't know how many calories it had.
Last night I worked, and I had to hang out at Sonic for an hour, because one of the girls I cart back and forth to work was not off work yet.  So I ate a little something there at like 9 pm.

Today I weighed in, and I was not happy!  I went to a great yoga class this morning and am on a good track for eating so far today.  For breakfast I had a mini bagel and a peach.  Lunch was a turkey sandwich and a few wheat thins and one dark hershey kiss.  Dinner is chicken, rice and black bean wraps.

I have got to get down to 146 by Sat, hoping 145!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Hoping to be 145 tomorrow or Sat. Maybe I can even be at 143 or 144 before July 7th. I am recalling missing working out, though!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


The not working out thing is working for me!  All I have done the last two weeks is run 2/2.5 miles once a week so I don't lose conditioning.

I have lost 3 pounds in two week and am hoping to lose another pound by Friday.  I am right at 1150 cal right now, but starving!  And I have had a huge ice cream craving that I have been fighting.

I think I can make it to 145 by July 7th!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I am at 148.0 today.  Not bad, since I just started my period.  I ate a bad lunch today though - Bristol with my friend Michelle.  I had 1/2 a shrimp wrap, a biscuit, and a bowl of lobster bisque.  I always get the soup, but I had not had the shrimp wrap before.  It was great!  I will probably always get that combo there now.

We are having french dip sandwiches for dinner tonight.  I pretty much ate my 1150 cal for breakfast and lunch, so I am going to have half a sandwich and that's it.

Still no working out.  I can feel that if I stay on my diet, I should drop to 146 or 147 next week when my period is over.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Still at 148.2

And I have got a weekend of eating ahead. Tomorrow we are going to a pool party and I am bringing Oreo brownies and Knock You Naked brownies. Sunday I am going over to my dad's for breakfast and then we always go to Jose Pepper's for dinner on Father's Day. That is what Lee always picks!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Exactly 30 pounds lost since November. 9.5 left of baby weight. I promptly ate half a hamburger, some fries and part of Kellen's shake at Fritz's today. But I will have a salad for dinner.
I want to be at 145 by July 7th. My original goal was 138 by July 1 but that is just not going to happen.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ugh, still at 150.2

I ate 1149 today so I am hoping I can break through this and get down to 148 by Friday! I ran on Sunday but am taking the whole week off to see if I can get the scale moving. I am starting to be afraid that I am going to be here forever...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I am still hovering around this. I ate 1175 cal yesterday so I was hoping to have dropped something this morning. hopefully tomorrow. Lee is gone tonight, so just eggs and toast for dinner. Today at the gym I did 40 min on the elliptical and took a 30 min spin class. I also did abs. My heartrate monitor said I burned 750 calories during my workout. My new fav snack is cereal with almond milk. I have never eaten much cereal because I don't like milk. Sometimes I eat it dry, but not often. I tried some with almond milk last week and I cannot get enough of it! I can have a big bowl of rice chex or honey bunches of oats with almond milk and it is only 150 calories! I had chex for breakfast and a bowl of honey bunches of oats after the gym. Lunch is a turkey sandwich, the usual. Looking back at my posts, I swear I am only losing weight when I am not working out! I am going to do a lot of cardio again this week and not work out next week at all and see what happens. Someone at Lee's work is having a pool party of Father's Day weekend and I really would rather not get into a swimsuit until August!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ran 3 miles!

I had a great run today. It was nice and cool at 7:30 this morning and I had no trouble getting to 3 miles. That means there is no turning back now! I have realized that keeping my heart rate in the 160's makes a hige difference. That is when my run feels easy. And my first two miles were 11:30 miles. Still slow, but I was at 13 min miles, so I feel good! I also am wearing a pair of pre pregnancy jeans, although I have a bit of a muffin top. They are size 8. I weighed in at 149.6 on Thursday.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back at the gym

I did an hour on the elliptical and some abs at the gym today. Mimiko, our fav daycare lady there, is moving so the last time we will see her will be tomorrow. It makes me want to cry because she has been taking care of Kellen since he was 5 or 6 months old! AND, I canceled my gym membership. I have been going there for 9 years and it is just time for a change! I am good through July. I am going to check out 24 Hour before I sign up for Zen Zone in case I decide I want to go there instead. My period started this weekend even though I just had one 2 weeks ago. Strange! Hoping to be down to 148 something we I weigh in on Friday. This morning I had two pieces of toast and for lunch I had a leftover chicken taco from Costa Vida and some black beans a rice. I will probably make myself an iced coffee with almond milk for a snack. Dinner is grilled balsamic chicken with fresh mozzarella and fresh green beans and salad. Really looking forward to it!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


8 days earlier than my goal! Hopefully I can keep it up this weekend. Lost 40-41 pounds of 52 gained!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I at least dropped a pound this week! I got a headache this afternoon and by the time I got home from work at 5, I just did not want to cook. I was making bbq chicken pizza and chopping the onion and cilantro just seemed overwhelming, lol. Lila has been so clingy when I get home, it is just impossible to put her down. So I had leftover taco meat for the kids. I had half a burrito bowl from Chiptole for lunch and the other half for dinner. I am slightly under 1200 for the day. I would like to be 150.something by Friday and maybe 140's soon! In other news, I heard my 2 favorite daycare ladies at the gym put in their two week notices. If that is the case, I am quitting when my membership is up in July and joing Zen Zone. I just feel so energized and strong after going there.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kind of dreading weighing in

I worked full time this week and am next week as well. I am in training, and after that I am only going to be working 1 or 2 evenings a week. I ran 2 miles today and yesterday, but that is all the working out I did this week. Before I had kids, I always got off work at 2:30 or 3, so working out after work was not a problem. But I have been getting home at 4 or 5 and then I need to cook dinner. Plus we are getting free lunch in the cafeteria while we are in training, so I am not tracking calories very well. I am going to weigh in. I think my goal is going to be in the 140's by the Friday after Memorial Day. Hopefully. I am at 1220 for the day, and Lee just made a little popcorn that I am going to eat.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I was down to 150

but I am back up to 152 after this weekend. I am hoping to be down to 150 at the end of the week.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


But I totally blew it at lunch today. I did not eat breakfast to save calories since I knew I would be going out to lunch. My parents divorce was final today and my mom wanted to go out to lunch. I took her to Jasper's, where I ate an entire plate of tortellini with cream sauce. It was the best meal I had in a looong time, though! I also had some bread. Tonight I am making chicken parmesan (baked) and I am hoping I am not hungry for dinner. We are also going out tomorrow night and for Mother's Day. I really got to control myself!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fit into some jeans!

I put on my fav jeans I wear before I got pregnant with Lila. Granted, I was 10 pds heavier than I like, so not my skinniest jeans, but I was able to get them on! I had a huge muffin top so I doubt I will wear them outside of the house. But it feels great to know I am close. I also tried on my "fat clothes" or clothes I wore after Kellen was born and one of the pairs of jeans- maybe the only pair I wore, fit great! I am wearing them today. I think I was wearing them at 144 so wearing them at 153 isn't so shabby. Should be around 1100 today, so I am really hoping to get to 151 on Friday as long as I do well eating still!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Canceled my training session

So tomorrow I was supposed to have my last session and I was just not feeling it. It was going to be a busy morning with having to get a physical for work, and then I was going to go into work to fill out paperwork after nap. I decided it would be better to do that before my physical so after the kids nap I could take them over to see my Grandpa. His heart surgery is Wed so I know Kellen wasnted to see him beforehand. So I canceled my training session and I am not doing it again! I am newly motivated to watch my diet, and my aim is nothing offer 1200 calories. I was at about 1100 yesterday and should be at that today. I also did 45 min on the elliptical this morning and some abs. I really wish I had an elliptical at the house, but I want a Precor, and we just can't afford that!

Friday, May 4, 2012

One more weight lifting session

I am so done with the trainer and with weights. We did lower body yesterday and I am so sore I can barely walk. I doubt I can even run tomorrow. Bummed. My last session is Tuesday and I am not buying any more! On another note, I tried on some dresses in my closet tonight. I found one I remember wearing to a wedding in 2004! and I can get into it except I can't get the zipper up around my chest. I don't know why my boobs are so big! I am thinking if I can lose 8-10 more pounds it will fit great. It is a size 6, but I think it is more like a 10. I really want to wear it to the winery on July 1. I hate buying fat clothes, so I have been trying to buy as little as possible. I have one pair of jeans and 4 shirts right now. This is the 3rd set of clothes I have bought since Lila was born. 14, 12 and now 10. Once I am a 6/8 I will start shopiing. Can't wait until I can buy fun clothes!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

152.4 yesterday

Really hoping to be at 151 by the end of this week. So I ran 2 miles on Sat and 2.5 miles on Sunday but that is all I have done all week! I have done good on my diet. 1200 today and Monday, 1350 yesterday. Tomorrow I have a workout with the trainer, which I am not really looking forward too! I am really missing yoga...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Back up to 154. GRRR

I cannot seem to get to the 140's! I did spin yesterday and lifted and I was starving all day, and stayed at 1300 calories. I burned 600 calories during my workout, according to my heart rate monitor. And my reward is gaining almost 2 pounds? I am done lifting, except for the 2 sessions I have with my trainer left. I now remember why I don't typically lift weights. I lose faster when I am doing cardio and pilates/yoga. So back to that. I looked back at when I was losing after Kellen was born, and I was doing 3-4 hours of cardio each week. So back to that goal. I am at 1175 for the day. Almost bed time, so I will probably call it a night.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


So I lost 1.6 pounds. YAY! I so want to get in the 140's by May 4. That gives me 2.4 pounds to lost in 1 1/2 weeks. I had a workout with my trainer today, and I can tell I am getting sore. I worked out pretty hard. Monday I did 45 min on the elliptical and abs. Sunday I ran 2 miles. Tomorrow is spin class and I need to lift again. I made dark chocolate sea salt brownies for admin prof day tomorrow and Lee is taking the to work. But I ate two. Other than that I did a good job eating.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I am still at 153. I thought for sure I would be down a pound or two today. Hopefully tomorrow. I am getting paranoid that I won't lose anymore weight! I did the elliptical for 45 minutes today and abs. I did a few leg exercises, but Lila was not happy in the daycare. Kellen was at school and this was her first time there alone. When I checked on her, she was crying and stroking her hair (which she does to comfort herself) so I got her and we left. It doesn't look like it is going to rain, so I think I will walk to pick up Kellen. That will give me another 35 or 40 minutes of cardio. I really want to be down to 152 tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spin class today

I took my first spin class since I got pregnant with Lila and it felt good! My bodybugg said I burned 200 calories in the 30 minute class, which I thought was on the low side. It supposedly doesn't measure cycling well. I want to wear my heart rate monitor next time. I have about 300 calories left for a snack before bed. Yesterday I was at 1200 calories, and did 1 hour of weights with the trainer. The hour went by so fast! I only had time to do 15 min on the elliptical before I had to get the kids home for dinner. I heard Lila shrieking from the daycare! I really want to be by 152 by Friday and would love to be at 150 by next Friday.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

153 on Friday

And I started my period that day, so not bad. I met with my trainer on Tuesday and it was just a consult. My body fat is 31 or 33%. I don't remember which one. I actually thought it would be over 35% so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He seemd to think I could get down to 18-20% body fat. I am afraid of the diet he is going to recommend next Tuesday so I have kind of been eating like crap! He wants me to be losing 2-3 pounds a week, which would be nice. Better than my 1 pound a week average. Tonight we are going to a work event, so I will be pigging out on BBQ I am sure!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Back up to 154

I did not track calories Sunday or Monday. Or go for a run because my foot is bothering me. I think it is all those downward dogs and planks I have been doing. But I am meeting with my trainer in about 45 minutes! And I have been very careful today. I have got to get rid of the mac and cheese and carrot cake tonight!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I have lost 25 pounds total since Halloween! Only 15 pounds of baby weight left. Then maybe 10-15 after that. I was at 1300 yesterday and went to a Pilates class. Today is Easter and I am hosting. I am going to try to get a run in and not eat too much! Mac and cheese and carrot cake will be my weakness!

Friday, April 6, 2012

An updated pic

This was on Lila's 1st birthday. The pic is a little close but I am looking a little better.


I am over today because of a glass of wine. I took the kids to the zoo with a friend today so I did a lot of walking.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

1350 all week

I think I need to be posting everyday, because I am definitely eating too much. If I can be at 1200 tops, I will definitely be losing faster. And Easter is this weekend at our house, and I will making carrot cake and mac and cheese, huge weaknesses for me. Tuesday night I ran 2 miles. I wanted to run more, but my foot was starting to hurt. Yesterday I took hatha yoga and today piyo. I made an appt with a trainer for Tuesday afternoon so I am excited about that. Today- Breakfast burrito. Then I had a slight binge and had a kids clif Z bar for 110 calories, string cheese and some baked ruffles. Lunch was cilantro rice, black beans, cheese, avocado and sour cream. Homemade burrito bowl. I also had about a third of the soft taco that I made Lila. That girl can eat! I wish I could be in the 25% and eat like her! Dinner- I am making 7up and sour cream biscuits (so good) and white chicken chili. I only have 275 calories left for dinner - darn big! I will be going over again. Oh, and I am down to 154.6. I want to get down to the 140's by May 1.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Yesterday I weighed 155. I am hoping to be down to 153 by Friday. Saturday I are right at 1200 calories. Yesterday I was good until we decided to get frozen yogurt after dinner, so I ended the day at 1350. I did not run this weekend since I am letting my foot rest. I am hoping to run one day this week and this weekend. I am planning on going to yoga 3-4 times this week. Something great about that is that yoga does not make me hungry! I am really sore after a workout, and definitely building muscle, but I can watch my calories close. When I workout at the gym, I am starving afterward and that's when I can down 400 calories of pita chips and hummes!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Staying the same

I was down to 154 on Wed but I am back up to 156 this week. I am right at 1200 today, but may have a glass of wine to help me sleep since Lee will be home late. I read that wine helps your body release fat so I shouldn't feel bad! I went to hatha yoga today, piyo yesterday and tomorrow I am going to pilates. I have been sore everyday. My foot is a little bit sore, but not too bad.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I have been royally screwing up

I had a bad week last week, I don't think I ate under 1400 the whole week, and lost no weight. I am still at 156. I would really like to get down to 154 by Sunday. That would be my 5 pounds for March. I did work out a lot last week. I ran twice - I am up to 2.5 miles, and I went to 3 yoga/pilates class. One class was Power Core Yoga at 7:30 am Sat morning. It was really hard and 90 minutes long! Lots of jumps and planks. After running the next day, my foot is sore. I rested yesterday and am going to take a pilates class tonight. Lee and I went out to dinner at J. Beans restaurant in Longview Saturday night and I got Italian Nachos, which I love. Then we sat on the deck and drank margaritas and Lee snapped a pic of my to test out the flash on his new iphone. It was awful, so I have it as the screen saver on my Ipod touch, which is wear I put in my calories through My fitness pal. So it has been motivating to look at the picture! I spent about 100 dollars on new workout clothes last week so now I feel better when I am working out. It has been pretty warm here, and I have no clothes to wear. My fat clothes from last summer are too big (thank God) and the normal clothes are too tight. I went shopping last night and bought 5 shirts. Sadly, this will probably be the only clothes I wear/buy until I lose the rest of the weight. I really want some capris, but I do not want to wear a 10/12. If I can lose just 10 more pounds, than I will be able to fit into the my fat clothes from after having my first baby. Kinda sad. I was at 1195 yesterday and today I hopefully will end at 1200. Breakfast was an english muffin with 1 T of almond butter (my new addiction) Lunch was a turkey sandwich with avocado on a sandwich thin and a babybel cheese round. Snack- Milky Way caramel bunny- 150 cal ( It was free, I couldn't resisit) Dinner- Chicken Caesar salad Lee grilled chicken on Sunday, and I have him grill extra. Last night I made BBQ chicken quesadillas with it, and tonight we are having it on salads.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Working out

I have not posted in a while because I have had 2 sick kids and then got sick myself. I couldn't bring the kids to the gym and didn't feel like doing 30 Day Shred. But I have ran 3 times since Friday, and I went to yoga with my friend Carrie last night. We are going to Piyo in the morning. I bought a 30 day pass, so I am going to try to go at least 2-3 times a week. I really love yoga - ideally I would like to run and do yoga. That's it! Lila is on one nap a day, for now anyway, so I should be able to get to the gym more in the mornings. I have been over my calories the last week few days. I am on my period so I know I won't be losing weight anyway. Probably not the best thinking. Plus I am hungry because of the working out! I ran with my new Polar heart rate monitor today. My heart rate is really high when I run- an average of 185. No wonder I am out of breath going up hills- it got up to 192. But I burned 400 calories during my run and cool down walk of 1/2 a mile. Lila's bday is this weekend, so I am sure I will have my pic taken, so I will try to post an updated pic.

Monday, March 12, 2012


I am down 2 more pounds, mostly because I have been sick. I have a cold and a cough and food just does not sound good. I have been eating breakfast and usually dinner, and that is all. No working out the last week, I have had sick kids too.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

20.4 pounds!

Yes, I am down to 158! Excited but I still need to lose 33 more pounds. I bought a Bodybugg on Craigslist. I steal at 25 dollars for a brand new one with a 3 month subscription. I just put it on at 2, so I am wanting to see what my calorie burn looks like. I have not worked out since I ran on Sunday. Kellen has been sick. He just went back to preschool today and I woke up sick. I have a headache, sore throat, my stomach is feeling off and I am getting chills. If I am sick, hopefully I will lose 5 pounds or so! I was planning on having a leftover chili burrito, but they only think that sounds good is a Mocha from Starbucks, so I may just have that for dinner. Lee is gone, so no need to cook. Eating today- Apple bar from TJ's and 1/2 of a Plantar's antioxidant bar lunch- 1 piece of pepperoni pizza from Domino's Dinner- probably just a mocha, so I will be under my 1200 calories.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I ran today!

It was so awesome to run- I have not run since October, when I broke my foot. I only ran 1.5 miles, then walked a mile. My foot did not hurt, I hope it does not hurt tomorrow. I wore Lee's heart rate monitor- I need to get my own since I can't figure out a way to put my height/weight in. Lee's is in, so the calorie burn is not correct. But it was very motivating to keep track of the calories burned. I must be out of shape, because my heart rate was so high. 182 average on the run, up to 199 when I was running up hill. Here is my diet today- Breakfast- English muffin with 1 egg and 1/2 an ounce of cheddar Lunch- One piece Bacon Cheeseburger pizza and a 1/2 a piece of Smore's pizza Dinner- Bowl of chili made with 93% hamburger and lots of beans. 1 T light sour cream and 1/2 an ounce of cheese. I also had 6 saltine crackers- Snack- 100 calories worth of jelly beans. Total for today is 1350

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I was too sore to work on Friday

but I did 30 Day Shred again this morning. My right forearm is so sore, very strange. I know my left arm is stronger than my right, because that is the arm I always carry Lila and her car seat with, but still! Here is my eating today English muffin - 1/2 with 1 tsp butter and the other 1/2 with 1/1 T natural pb Lunch- 4 fish sticks and 1 serving Alexia sweet potato puffs Dinner- 1 piece of thin crust Bacon Cheeseburger pizza from Papa Murphy's. Snacks- A few cookies I made for Lee to take to a poker night he is going to tonight. I am at 1320 for the day. Everything I read says 30 day shred burns about 200 calories, so I should be good. I lost no weight this week, which sucks because I worked out 4 times! If I don't lose any weight next week, I guess I will stop working out.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

30 Day Shred Done!

And I liked it. I did Level 1, and I could do just about everything. I can only do 15 pushups(girly ones because I have a herniated disk in my back) at a time so I couldn't finish each set of pushups since you do 20 or 25. My legs are tired, I am afraid I am going to be too sore to do it tomorrow. But I am definitely going to do it this weekend. I don't know that I will do it on the days I got to the gym, we'll see. Eating today- Breakfast- coffee and apple breakfast bar After workout snack- 1/2 a Nature Valley Protein bar and some veggie sticks Lunch- Turkey sandwich with avocado on a deli flat Dinner- Beer can chicken, half a baked potato, and a half ear of corn. I bought a wine cube of red wine at Target today and I really want a glass of it with dinner. I think on the days that I work out, I am going to go up to 1350 calories or so. I have been losing on 1200 not working out, so I should be able to eat a little more. Kellen wants to go to the library after preschool today, so that should add another 10-15 minutes to my walk, so I should get about a 45 minute walk in.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Worked out again!

I am so happy to be back in the gym. I feel like more of myself being active, it is hard to explain. I love listening to my IPod and reading US Weekly. I did 45 on the ellipitical and abs again. Tomorrow I am doing my first day of 30 Day Shred and and it is going to be in the 60's and I think I will walk up to preschool to pick Kellen up from preschool. That will take me about 35 min round trip. I ate 1300 cal today which I good since I an starving when I leave the gym.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back at the gym!

I got my boot off last week. My foot is not 100% but much better. I went to the gym yesterday and did 45 min on the elliptical and abs. My legs are sore today but my foot does not hurt. I plan to start 30 Day Shred on March 1, which I guess in Thursday. Gulp!

Friday, February 24, 2012


I need to be better about posting here. Last week week was V day and Lee's birthday. Birthday season is over at our house, so I will be cheating less!
I have l lost 19 pounds since November. I must not look like it because the only people that have commented are my Grandparents. We are going to Houlihans tonight and I am getting filet mignon and creme brûlée. I was on my period this week so I am happy with a 1 pound loss.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I need to start weighing twice a week again.

I have only been weighing on Fridays the last few weeks and I find myself slacking until about Wednesday. I am hoping for 159 or 160 when I weigh in on Friday, but I have been above 1300 all week. Today I have done well. Breakfast - TJ's apple breakfast bar Lunch- leftover chicken taco and some beans and rice (from Costa Vida) Dinner- Bowl of homemade chicken tortilla soup with 1/2 an ounce of cheese and 1/2 a serving of tortilla chips. For snacks I had 2 chocolate covered strawberries that I made and 1 Christopher Elbow chocolate (which Lee bought). I still have 150 calories left for snacks, too.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I hadn't done very well this week. I think I averaged 1400 cal all week. Yesterday I got back on track. Today I had a homemade banana choc chip muffin got breakfast, creamy avocado pasta for lunch with an amazing biscuit I made. Dinner was skillet lasagna and mixed veggies. I think I am over because I am drinking a class of wine right now.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I got an awesome deal today!

A groupon like web site had a deal on personal training sessions today. The deal was 4 1 hours sessions and 4 prepared meals for 49 dollars. This is with a trainer that works out of my gym and I had wanted to take sessions with but knew I could never afford it! About 3 years ago, he worked with a girl I knew at the gym and she lost 65 pounds. I think mid march on the beginning of April I am going to get started. I would like to get some of the 30 Day Shred under my belt so I am not completely out of shape when I start. I am a few hundred calories over today and yesterday. Probably 1350 or 1400. That's what happens when you have Olive Garden for dinner yesterday and leftovers for lunch. I am hungry now and am thinking of eating a little something!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Pretending like the Superbowl didn't happen.

I could have done worse, but I know I was over in calories by probably 500. Yesterday for breakfast Lee made breakfast burritos. Lunch was a leftover half of a Roasted chicken wrap with black bean salsa. I ate 2 brownies yesterday, 1 cookie, and too much hot corn dip for dinner. I also had 1/2 a baked potato with rotel on it. Today was bagel thin for breakfast, turkey sandwich for lunch and 2 tacos with homemade spanish rice. I had 2 cups of green tea and for dessert I had 2 TJ's gingerbread men. Right at 1200 calories. I am worried about dinner tomorrow. My mom wants to take me out for my birthday (I pushed her off a week because eating was so bad last week). I think we are going to olive garden. I haven't been there for 3ish years and she loves it, so I thought that could be good. But so many calories!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A little over the last 2 days.

Yesterday I overate a little bit. My friend Betsy gave me a huge serving of Turkey Tetrazzini and I ate it all. It was so good. Then I busted open a bottle of wine at about 5 o clock because Kellen was driving me crazy! I was at 1313 yesterday. Today I had a yogurt for breakfast - 120 cal. We went to Costco and they had tons of samples because it of the Superbowl, so I ate probably 200 calories of those. Lunch was the other half of my burrito bowl from Chipotle Dinner was Roasted chicken wraps with black bean salsa and guacamole. They were pretty intensive to make, but light and yummy. Plus I had some tortilla chips. My big down fall was I made brownies for a superbowl party tomorrow. They are caramel brownies. Pioneer Woman's Knock You Naked brownies. They are so good, and yes I ate one. So good. 1300 for today.

Friday, February 3, 2012


My goal was 163 for today. I only lost 1/2 a pound this week but with all the eating we did last weekend, I am happy! I want to lose 4 more pounds by Feb.17, Lee's birthday and I would like to lose another 5 by March 1. That would put me at 25 pounds lost! Yesterday for breakfast I had a banana with 1/2 T of nutella. Lee has been in Springfield for work, so on his way back to the office he met me for lunch. Lunch was half a chicken burrito bowl at Chipotle. Dinner was a variety of leftovers. I chose Avocado chicken salad on lettuce, with some tortilla chips. I also had a pack of skinny cow clusters for dessert. 1202 for yesterday. Today- A bagel thin with a cup of coffee with almond joy creamer (70 cal for 2T) Lunch - Turkey tettrazini at my friend Betsy's. Dinner- Frozen flatbread pizza- pepperoni with red peppers and caesar salad. That should leave me with about 200 cal to play with for snacks. I really need to be eating more fruit. We have grapes, pineapple and cantaloupe in the fridge and I don't even want it for some reason.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1225 the last two days

I am too tired to go into detail today, but I did pretty good the last two days. My foot is feeling really good and I am even thinking about trying to work out this weekend!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sorry about the typos yesterday!

That's what happens when I use my phone to update.
Last night at dinner I got grilled shrimp on a bed of salad, only 550 cal. I really wanted the filet, but it was 1000 cal! We did get creme brûlée for dessert. It was the lowest one on the menu. Only 350 cal and we split it.
I am back on the horse today. Breakfast was an english muffin and homemade mocha. Lunch was turkey sand, goldfish and a 1/4 cup of Zarda beans. Dinner is going to be beef stew and french bread. I will have 100 cal left for butter on my bread or a little snack!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Eating lots of yummy meals

But they haven't been on my diet. I ate out 5 meals this weekend. We were out of town. And I had 4 drinks Saturday night. No way am I weighing until Friday!

Today is my birthday. Lee always makes me breakfast and he made me croissant French toast stuffed with nutella. It was yummy but like 450 calories! I just had chili for lunch but plan in Houlihans for dinner. I live the filet there but should get grilled chicken or shrimp. I gave noticed I get more of a sweet tooth and want to snack more when I don't diet as heavily.

Friday, January 27, 2012


I am not planning on weighing in until next Friday. I am hoping to be a few pounds less, but I said my goal was 163 by next Friday so I need to stick with that. 15 pounds lost and I have 2 pairs of jeans in size 10 I am wearing, though they are a little tight around the waist. Yesterday was about 1500 calories, not the greatest but could be worse for eating out. Breakfast was a banana with 1 T cocoa almond spread. I can't wait to use the rest of it up so I can open a jar of nutella. Lunch - Cup of lobster bisque, 1 biscuit, 4 oz filet, 2 asparagus spears, and mashed potatoes. My friend Michelle wanted to split a dessert and the ice cream was really good, so I had about 1/2 a scoop of that. Dinner- I made chicken tenders: chicken breasts cut up, dipped in light ranch and rolled in cornflakes crumbs and then baked. I ate a chicken breast worth of those, with 2 roasted carrots and 1/2 a yukon gold potato. We were going to have that chicken leftover on salads tonight, but I accidently left the pan of chicken on the counter overnight so I had to throw it out. Ugh! Today- Breakfast - homemade mocha, eng muffin with 1 T cocoa almond spread. Lunch- Turkey sandwich and 1/2 a serving of triscuits. Hershey kiss Dinner- Homemade pizza. Dough is rising now, and then topping with mozz and turkey pepperoni. Probably a skinny cow cluster for dessert. At 1200 if this is all I eat.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I think I figured out my headache issue

Truvia! I had not used it when I was pregnant and breastfeeding and just bought a box 2 weeks ago. I realized I was only getting headaches on the days I was drinking coffee. Then on Monday I had a green tea with truvia and got a headache 10 min later. So today I used splenda in my coffee and no headache! Today I had an english muffin sandwich with an egg and cheese. I had a Trader Joe's blueberry breakfast bar for a snack. Lunch was my usual turkey sandwich and a few mini triscuits. I had a homemade mocha for a snack. Dinner was 1 piece of toast, 2 eggs and 1/2 a pancake. I am having another skinny cow cluster for dessert. The dark chocolate ones are so good! 1225 today. Lee has been dieting and doing p90x for 2 1/2 weeks and has lost 9 pounds. It was taken me 2 1/2 months to lose 14 pounds! Gotta love that. I am walking into field of dieting landmines the next few days. I am having lunch at The Bristol with my friend Michelle tomorrow. Then we will probably go out this weekend, plus on my birthday Monday. I want to be able to be down to 163 by next Friday, even with all the eating.

164 this morning

Yesterday I had 1180 cal. Breakfast was 2 pieced of toast. Lunch a turkey wrap from Jasons deli for 350 cal and baked chips. Dinner was roast, carrots and potatoes. Snack was skinny cow clusters.

Monday, January 23, 2012

I totally binged last night

Well, for me anyone. I had a piece of toast and 2 graham crackers with cocoa almond spread at about 9 o clock. That with my string cheese put me up to 1900 cal for the day! This morning I had 2 pieces of toast with light margarine for breakfast and water. Lunch was a turkey and cheddar sandwich on a deli flat. I also had 1/2 ounce of swiss cheese and 4 townhouse crackers. Dinner is going to be Pulled pork sandwich and cauliflower gratin. I am making some baked fries for Kellen and Lee, but I don't know that I will have any. That leaves me with 200 calories to play with, Maybe a few fries or some hot cocoa for dessert. I need to start drinking green tea again. I think I will have 2 cups as a snack this afternoon.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I finally got my period! It was 12 days late and I was terrified that I was pregnant, even though I took a test last week. It is not a baby I am scared of, but packing on 50 pounds on top of this! If we have a 3rd, we are not until I have lost all my weight. Yesterday I did great. I had a bunch of calories at the end of the night, and ate 3 oreos, and half a choco taco (my mom brought them over for Kellen's bday). I still ended at 1167. Today, not so good. I got a headache this afternoon. I don't know what my deal is. I am 300 over, and am starving and sickly feeling, plus I have cramps, so I will probably have a piece of toast in a few minutes. Breakfast was an english muffin and mocha, lunch was half of a turkey sandwich from Firehoue subs and triscuits (this lunch is what messed me up). Dinner was a baked potato and a tiny bit of pulled pork. I am not much of a pork fan, but Lee smoked some pork this fall so it was an easy dinner to pull out of the freezer. For snacks I had light string cheese and some darj chocolate, plus a granola bar. I think all that chocolate last night brought my cravings back!

Friday, January 20, 2012

165 today

This is the lowest I have been in a year, but I still have soooo much weight I want to lose. I was looking at pictures from Christmas at my Grandma's today and I look pregnant in them! The other good news is a found a great pair of jeans at Banana Republic in early December and bought a size 14. They were on sale 30% off this week and I got two pairs, a size 10 and 12. They are so comfortable. They were 55 dollars but I figure since I am only buying 1 pair in each size, that isn't too bad. Better than buying 2 pairs for 25 that are just ok. They both fit, but I have a huge muffin top in the 10's! I think if I lose 7-10 more pounds then I will be able to wear those comfortably. Yesterday I ended up at 1200. Yay! Today for breakfast I had 1 1/3 biscuit and 1 egg. It was Kellen's bday and that is what he wanted for breakfast. I made him bacon but I did not eat any. Lunch- Firehouse subs. I split a briskit sandwich with Lee and ate about 1/3 of a bag of chips that I shared with Kellen. I also ate 1/4 of a free turkey sandwich they sent us home with because it was Kellen's birthday. Dinner- I told Kellen he could pick anywhere he wanted to go for dinner or I would make him something, and he picked spagetti and meatballs! I ate 1 serving of spaghetti with red sauce and 1 turkey meatball. I did have 3 bites of cake. I think with the cake, I am at 1300 max. Not bad if I went to a restaurant, too! I want to get down into the 150's so bad...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I really wanted to weigh today...

but then I would have had to take my walking cast off, so it kept me from doing it! I am going to weight in Friday. I have not weight in since Monday. I don't feel thinner, but we will see. Yesterday I ended right at 1200. I just need to do that everyday! Today- Breakfast- Caramel mocha and one piece of toast with cocoa almond spread (1/2 T) Lunch - Taco salad. Lettuce, taco meat, beans, 1/8 cup cheese, light sour cream and 1 serving of chips. Dinner- Chicken fajitas. I only have 475 calories left, and that has to include dinner, so probably no snacking for me. I am getting a 2nd opinion on my foot Tuesday. I am terrified he is going to say surgery as well. I am thinking that after the surgery I will not lose weight very easily since I won't be moving around much!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ended at 1400 yesterday

Not bad for binging on pita chips. I was actually thinking I did the exact same thing on this blog 3 years ago, but I would have to go back and check! For dinner last night I just had soup and one piece of bread. Today - Trader Joe's Apple Cereal bar (140 cal) and a homemade caramel mocha (I make it with 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup coffee, 2 packets truvia, 1/2T unsweetened cocoa, and 1 T sf caramel syrup). Lunch- 2 Mac and Cheese muffins. 130 cal each. I got this recipe from Family fun magazine or Parenting. It is pasta, cheddar and parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, ground turkey and broccoli, with a drizzle of olive oil. I think the would be better if you left out the turkey and just added more veggies. Maybe some shredded carrot and red pepper. I had a small salad with fugi apple dressing and cranberries. Dinner- Leftovers tonight. Kellen and I will probably choose soup and bread, Lee will probably have tacos. I should have about 130 calories left to snack. Maybe some hot cocoa tonight. It is cold!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I just downed 1/2 a bag of cinnamon pita chips

I have another migraine - 2 in 3 days. Both days I got it when I bent my head over really fast reaching for something on the floor. Sunday was worse, but today I have nausea and I am headachy, and it won't disappear until I go to bed. When I have nausea, eating usually makes me feel a little better (hence why I gain so much weight while pregnant). So I had a snack, and did not weigh it on my kitchen scale. Mistake! I should not have eaten out of the bag because next thing I know, I ate 450 calories of pita chips. In a few minutes I am going to wake up Lila so we can run to Target before I pick Kellen up from preschool and I am so wanting to get a mocha from Starbucks. 170 calories. It's like I keep eating to find the magical cure to make my headache go away, but the only thing that helps is sleep!

Trying not to weigh until Friday

I get a little obsessed and want to weigh every day or every other day and then I get bummed when the number is not where I want it to be. When I am not dieting (when is that?) I try to just weigh on Fridays. I am going to wait until Friday this week to weigh in and hope that I dropped a couple of pounds! Here is today: Breakfast- a banana with a 1/2 T of TJ's cocoa almond spread and water Lunch- BBQ chicken sandwich - again. Last one! Dinner- Vegetable Cheese soup and homemade bread. Once I put in lunch or dinner, we'll see if I have any extra calories for snacks. I did not eat breakfast until 8:45 even though I had been up for 2 hours. I have been doing that for about a week and I think it is helping! Yesterday I still had a little headache and had to eat right away and I struggled with snacking all day!

Monday, January 16, 2012

This 1200 thing really isn't working out

I changed my fitness pal app to 1200 from 1250 and I haven't met it the last two days! Today I ate 1320 calories, but I am calling it a success because I have had the munchies all day. Breakfast - Egg cheese english muffin sandwich Lunch- Shredded bbq chicken sandwich with cheddar Snack - Delmonte brown sugar and cinnamon peach fruit cup. So good and only 70 calories! Dinner- 2 tacos (we use La Tiara brand shells. They are very thin and only 35 calories each) 1/2 a serving of tortilla chips, and homemade black beans on a bed of lettuce. Snack - 1/4 of a small kids ice cream cup (I only ate 20 calories worth)


So I lose 3 pounds last week, but really I think it is just because I starting taking my water pills again. I was really wanting to get down to 158 by the end of January, which would mean a 20 pound loss since November. I don't know that I can lose 8 pounds in 2 weeks, but I will be very happy if I can get to 160. Saturday night when we went out, I ate a lot of our crab dip, a side salad, with dressing on the side (I dipped my fork in it) and only 1/2 a crab cake. I was so full. I did have a glass of wine, too. My food for yesterday: Breakfast - 100 calorie English muffin with peanut butter and homemade caramal mocha. We found this weird powered Peanut Butter powder at the store. All the fat and oil is pressed out. You can put it in a protein shake powedered, which Lee did and he liked. You can also add water and it makes peanut butter. It really wasn't that bad, but I wouldn't make a sandwich with it. It only has 45 calories for 2 Tablespoons. Lunch- Leftover crab cakes with carrots, broccoli, green beans and cauliflower. 1/2 a piece of sourdough bread I had a cherry limeade at Kellen's birthday party. It is made with diet 7 up but has sugar and cherries in it, so it has some calories. Dinner- Shredded bbq chicken in crockpot, on a hamburger bun with 1/2 an ounce of cheddar. I ended yesterday at 1275. I had an awful migrain and laid down at about 7:30 so ate nothing else.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I'm going to blow it today

We are going out to dinner tonight and using a Groupon for Rumors Steakhouse. I have been dying to try their spinach and crab dip with wonton chips. I know it has a lot of calories, but I really want to try it. I love their crab cakes, so that is what I am getting for my entree. I will either get a side salad or veggie to go along with it. I am going to try to skip the wine. Although I just remembered they have great bread. I think I am just going to get what I want. The plan next week is to lower my calories down to 1200. As long as I do it gradually, it doesn't seem too hard. I think I was eating 1400 in December, and that's when I was actually losing weight! Today- Breakfast - 2 pieces of toast and water Lunch -leftover steamed rice and sesame chicken I am making Kellen's birthday cake and I won't lie I had a little icing today.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A little over today...1315!

I blame the cookies that I made! I ended up eating 2 and some dough. But I did great the rest of the day.
Breakfast- homemade mocha and one piece toast
Lunch- turkey sandwich on 100 cal thin
Dinner- salad, 2 pieces of frozen thin crust pizza.
No more working out at all for me for 3 weeks. I need to wear a boot all the time and hope I won't end up with surgery.

I gotta stop eating cookie dough!

Kellen's birthday party is Sunday and I am making decorated sugar cookies to put in the kiddie good bags. I have eaten one cookie, and probably enough dough for a cookie. They are not decorated yet, so at least I didn't eat icing. I still need to make his cake today. Declaring that I am finished! So I don't eat anymore.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A yummy breakfast

So I ate a little more for breakfast than I usually do, 250 calories, but it was such a treat! I made myself a salted caramel mocha (with 1% milk and cocoa powder) and I had one piece of wheat toast with 1 1/2 teaspoons, Trader Joe's cocoa almond spread (like nutella but not as good). With the snowy weather, I was dying for a coffee drink. Lunch was Turkey Tetrazzini. Again. Can you tell we eat leftovers until the die? Dinner will be steamed white rice, broccoli, and a new crockpot recipe I am trying, sesame chicken. That should leave me with 70 calories left, since my goal is 1250. I may eat less rice so I can have a little something for dessert. Bad news on my fractured foot. I went to the orthopedic doctor today and I have torn ligaments and a fracture. It is called a lisfranc injury. You can read more about it here: http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00162 I am in a boot for 3 weeks and then we will see. He said I may need surgery, but I would be on crutches for 8 weeks. I don't know how a stay at home mom can take care of two kids on crutches! Either way, it looks like my foot may never be the same. I am hoping I don't get chronic pain or arthritis in the joint later. I just want to be able to run again!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Today ended with 1211.

I had light string cheese as a snack. Dinner was 2 eggs and 2 pieces of toast. My last snack was one mini trader joes gingerbread man. I wanted hot cocoa but I am too tired to make it. I am hungry but I am in bed reading and plan on going to sleep soon.

1220 yesterday

I am proud of myself for keeping at it, especially since I am not really losing weight. I took my water pills yesterday and am back down to 167, and I can get my ring off. I don't know how I am going to get rid of this water for good! I also did a 30 min pilates video last night while Lee was giving Kellen a bath. Lila went to bed at 6:30 so I was able to have some time to myself. I have been getting so tired at night. I don't know if I have less energy because I am so hungry or what. Today: Breakfast - steel cut oatmeal with brown sugar Lunch - Turkey tettrazini and pita chips, 1 hershey kiss Dinner- not sure yet. I am on my own tonight, so most of the time I make eggs and toast if Lee is gone. But I may finish off the tettrazini or have a Lean Cuisine pizza. I was craving pizza for lunch. I have 475 calories left, so I need to probably have the pizza or eggs.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I made some good choices!

I went to lunch with my friend Carrie today, and I really wanted a grilled chicken sandwich or a chicken caesar salad, but I ordered a grilled chicken breast instead. I usually eat what I want at restaurants, since I only go to one maybe once a week, but I really wanted to stay on my diet since I am up to 169.4! I was very swollen when I was pregnant and post partum. My ob gave my water pills in the middle of November and ran out on Thursday. I have a 3 week script left, but I wanted to see what happened when I went off. Now I know! My weight is going up even thought I am eating great! I normally would be losing 2ish pounds a week eating 1200 calories. My wedding ring, which I just got back on a month ago, is super tight and I cannot take it off and my face is puffy. So...I feel a little better about my weight, but I don't know if I am going to have to buy these on the black market or what when I run out! My food today should end at exactly 1250 calories. Breakfast - English muffin, 1 egg, 1/2 ounce cheddar cheese Lunch - Grilled chicken breast, cilantro rice, fajita vegetables Dinner- White chicken chili and tortilla chips.

My breakfast plan

I am going to start making in effort to do two things differently. The first one is to eat breakfast later in the morning. Normally I eat breakfast a few hours I wake up. When I am pregnant, I get sick if I don't eat first thing in the morning and I have continued doing that since Lila was born. But I am not starving first thing, so I am going to try to eat around 8:30 or so. This way, I won't feel like I have to eat lunch at 11 because I have been starving since 9. Pushing lunch back my help my urge to snack. I did it yesterday and today, and so far it worked out well! I also am going to try to eat more protein with breakfast. Most of the time I eat an english muffin with butter, and that is eat. I am going to eat more eggs and see what else I can come up with. I also switch from real butter to a low calorie margarine, which is a big deal for me! We have been eating real butter for years, but right now every calorie counts! I ended yesterday with 1200 calories. My snacks were a yogurt parfait and a hot cocoa. I make it with 1% milk, truvia, and Ghiradelli unsweetened cocoa powder. And I broke my promise of not weighing today. I am up another 1/2 a pound. I have a theory about that, and I will write about it later today.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I gotta stop weighing myself everyday!

In the mornings I will wake up and "feel" like I have lost weight, but this week I have not! I am up to 169 despite the great job I did dieting this week. Then I get discouraged that I will be fat forever. My period should start tomorrow,so I know I am just bloated. I am actually proud of myself for not giving in to my usual cravings of chips and brownies. My food for today should come in at 1200 or 1250 calories. I will let you know tomorrow.:) So far- Breakfast: Trader Joe's Steelcut oatmeal with brownsugar Lunch: Turkey sandwich on 100 calories sandwich thin and strawberries. Dinner will be white chicken chili and tortilla chips. I should be left with 400 calories for snacks, so I will probably have a yogurt parfait and hot cocoa or homemade mocha at some point. I really want to lower my calories down to 1200 this month, but I am just getting used to 1250. I try to lower gradually because I stick to it better. I will do some pilates tonight or tomorrow night.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ab Ripper X

My husband does P90X and the ab workout is killer! I did it some this summer but I have done nothing since I injured my foot. Today I did Ab Ripper, which is 20 minutes. There are no crunches, it is all core work with no breaks. 349 ab exercises total! I was able to do that with out bothering my foot and then did about 30 push ups. It felt good to do something and I think it will feel good to be sore tomorrow!!

I ate 1240 calories today.
Breakfast - 1 piece of wheat toast, 1.5 scrambled eggs and 1/2 a turkey sausage patty
Lunch - Deli turkey sandwich on 100 calorie sandwich thin with Tillamook cheddar and lettuce, carrots and strawberries
Snack- 120 cal yogurt parfait and 2 dark chocolate hershey kisses
Dinner- Pioneer Woman's turkey tetrazzini.

I am hungry right now, so I may have some green tea. But I am really tired so I may just go to bed soon.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


My calories for today.
Breakfast - English muffin, 1 egg, 1 light string cheese
Lunch- Chick fil a. Diet Lemonade, 8 piece chicken nugget (they are small compared to MCD's), part of a medium fruit cup, and half a cup of chicken tortilla soup
Dinner - 2 hamburger sliders and a small salad with Paula Deen salad dressing (only 30 cal per T)
9 pm- 2 cups of green tea because I am hungry! Sweetened with stevia.

Not great, but not bad for the only day I will eat at a restaurant this week. That always kills me!

The Game Plan

I have been at a stand still since December 23rd (actually I was down to 165 and gained 2 pounds back).

I was eating around 1350 cal, so I have went down to 1250 this week. I am pretty hungry sticking to that. I have been drinking 2 cups of hot green tea when I get really hungry (which I just did).

I hurt my foot in October. I thought it was just a bad sprain (well the ER did) but I found out it was broken after I had an MRI last week. I see a specialist on Thursday, but it looks like I have to have a walking cast or something, so no working out, still. This is killing me!!! The weather has been nice, and I would love to go out and run on the weekends.

I am going to try to do some pilates, arms and abs this week and see how that goes.
I realized that I usually when I diet, I eat around 1400, but I am burning 300 a day working out, so I am going to need to eat even less than 1250 if I am not working out!

I was hoping to lose 8 pounds a month, but I think I am going to have to be happy with 5. That is what I lost after Kellen. So far, November was 8 pounds and December was 5. But then I gained back 3. I have lost one of those, but that means I need to lose 7 in January to stay on track!

Pictures after the baby

I swear I look fatter now than I did when I was pregnant! At least in the face. The first picture is of me and Lila on Mother's Day. I think she is about 6 weeks old. The 2nd picture was taken New Year's Eve and is awful! I almost didn't post it. I don't know if it is the angle, my shirt, the light, or what, but my face looks fatter than ever, even though I have lost 11 pounds since the first picture!!
I also discovered that night I have a gap in my front teeth, even though I have a permanent retainer. So I made an appt with my orthodontist to get my 3rd set of braces or retainers. I need to look at this pic every time I eat to kill my appetite!

A few pics

I posted a pic of me the day I found out I was pregnant, and how I looked at 41 weeks pregnant. I don't think those sweatpants could get any tighter!! I am on the way to the hospital, being unwillingly induced, when I have the black shirt on.

I'm back. And it is not pretty.

Or at least I'm not. But my baby girl, Lila, is!

I found out I was pregnant soon after my last post and proceeded to pack on 52ish pounds. This is in spite of tracking calories, 90 minute workouts until 32 weeks and crying in my doctor's office about it! After her delivery in March, I proceeded to swell up even more and only lost 12 pounds. Yes, 12! I breastfed until Lila was 7 1/2 months, and lost no weight, just like what happened with my first child. I have lost 11 pounds since Halloween, a few weeks before I weaned.

I weighed 190ish when I delivered, and am now down to 167. I weighed 166 when I delivered my first baby, geez. And I felt so fat after that. I currently live in a no picture zone, and I would like to have some pictures of me with my baby, so my goal is to lose everything by this summer.

My first goal is losing 29 pounds. That will put me at the weight I was when I got pregnant, 138. I would like to get down to 125, my ideal weight, so I would really like to lose another 42 pounds. But that number is a little daunting for me right now. I have the blogger app for my Ipod Touch, so I am going to try to update with my calories each day!!

I am enjoying starving and losing weight, instead of starving because I am pregnant and breastfeeding.!!