Friday, April 30, 2010

Starving after working out

So I have realized that most of my current problem stems from me being absolutely starving when I leave the gym. I will eat whatever is in the car, the diaper bag, plus much on things while I prepare lunch. I probably eat 200-300 extra calories this way. I am just so hungry after a 2 hour workout that I don't care.

So, I am thinking I need to eat a bigger breakfast. Most of the time I eat around 150-200 calories. An english muffin, a piece of toast or yogurt. I am not a big cereal person. I am thinking I need to eat a more, especially some protein. I am going to put pb on my Eng muffin and maybe cook an egg with my toast.

Yesterday I ate about 1650 calories. My downfall was 2 glasses of wine for 250 calories. Wine curbs my appetite and I was starving before dinner, so I thought it would tide me over. It did, but I still ate a normal dinner.

Today at the gym I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes on the treadmill with 3 minutes of sprinting, and 10 minutes on the bike. I rounded that off withe some abs, light arms, and stretching. On the way home I ate about 250 calories of crackers!!

Yesterday I also did the abs and arms section on my favorite pilates dvd while my son napped and we went on a 50 minute walk.

Breakfast - 150 - yogurt, 90 calorie skinny vanilla latte

Lunch - chicken salad - 200 (made with mostly plain lowfat yogurt and a little mayo. I liked it), crackers - 300
Dinner- A casserole of sometime. We will what I have time to make, as I still need to go to the grocery store.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


So that is my official starting weight for the blog. A few days ago I was up about 2 more pounds after a huge restaurant meal this week.

Yesterday I did pretty good. I ate 1250 calories. I took a 30 minute spin class, did 30 minutes on the elliptical and did crunches.

Today so far:
snickers marathon bar and pineapple for breakfast: 225
snack - donut in a meeting. 250
lunch - homemade bean burrito, some yogurt. 400

So I am up to 875, so I have about 450 I can have for dinner.

Dinner- beer can chicken, roasted carrots and potaoes.

I had a meeting this morning, so did not make it to the gym. I do plan on taking Kellen for about a 45 minute walk this afternoon to get some cardio in.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gained a bunch...

So I haven't posted in about 9 months, when I met my goal. I actually got down to 123.8 in October and ramped up my running. I was running 4-6 ish miles for my long run during the week.

Then I got a new job and started working a ton more hours, worked out much less, and ate about the same, 1600 calories a day. So low and behold, I am now up about 10 pounds.

I am working out a lot, but just not that motivated to cut calories. Part of it is because I am trying to get pregnant again, so I kind of feel like what's the point?

Today I ran 3 miles, did 30 minutes on the elliptical, and did abs and lower body weights. Now I am motivated to do my 10 minute upper body video,
