Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back at the gym

I did an hour on the elliptical and some abs at the gym today. Mimiko, our fav daycare lady there, is moving so the last time we will see her will be tomorrow. It makes me want to cry because she has been taking care of Kellen since he was 5 or 6 months old! AND, I canceled my gym membership. I have been going there for 9 years and it is just time for a change! I am good through July. I am going to check out 24 Hour before I sign up for Zen Zone in case I decide I want to go there instead. My period started this weekend even though I just had one 2 weeks ago. Strange! Hoping to be down to 148 something we I weigh in on Friday. This morning I had two pieces of toast and for lunch I had a leftover chicken taco from Costa Vida and some black beans a rice. I will probably make myself an iced coffee with almond milk for a snack. Dinner is grilled balsamic chicken with fresh mozzarella and fresh green beans and salad. Really looking forward to it!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


8 days earlier than my goal! Hopefully I can keep it up this weekend. Lost 40-41 pounds of 52 gained!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I at least dropped a pound this week! I got a headache this afternoon and by the time I got home from work at 5, I just did not want to cook. I was making bbq chicken pizza and chopping the onion and cilantro just seemed overwhelming, lol. Lila has been so clingy when I get home, it is just impossible to put her down. So I had leftover taco meat for the kids. I had half a burrito bowl from Chiptole for lunch and the other half for dinner. I am slightly under 1200 for the day. I would like to be 150.something by Friday and maybe 140's soon! In other news, I heard my 2 favorite daycare ladies at the gym put in their two week notices. If that is the case, I am quitting when my membership is up in July and joing Zen Zone. I just feel so energized and strong after going there.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kind of dreading weighing in

I worked full time this week and am next week as well. I am in training, and after that I am only going to be working 1 or 2 evenings a week. I ran 2 miles today and yesterday, but that is all the working out I did this week. Before I had kids, I always got off work at 2:30 or 3, so working out after work was not a problem. But I have been getting home at 4 or 5 and then I need to cook dinner. Plus we are getting free lunch in the cafeteria while we are in training, so I am not tracking calories very well. I am going to weigh in. I think my goal is going to be in the 140's by the Friday after Memorial Day. Hopefully. I am at 1220 for the day, and Lee just made a little popcorn that I am going to eat.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I was down to 150

but I am back up to 152 after this weekend. I am hoping to be down to 150 at the end of the week.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


But I totally blew it at lunch today. I did not eat breakfast to save calories since I knew I would be going out to lunch. My parents divorce was final today and my mom wanted to go out to lunch. I took her to Jasper's, where I ate an entire plate of tortellini with cream sauce. It was the best meal I had in a looong time, though! I also had some bread. Tonight I am making chicken parmesan (baked) and I am hoping I am not hungry for dinner. We are also going out tomorrow night and for Mother's Day. I really got to control myself!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fit into some jeans!

I put on my fav jeans I wear before I got pregnant with Lila. Granted, I was 10 pds heavier than I like, so not my skinniest jeans, but I was able to get them on! I had a huge muffin top so I doubt I will wear them outside of the house. But it feels great to know I am close. I also tried on my "fat clothes" or clothes I wore after Kellen was born and one of the pairs of jeans- maybe the only pair I wore, fit great! I am wearing them today. I think I was wearing them at 144 so wearing them at 153 isn't so shabby. Should be around 1100 today, so I am really hoping to get to 151 on Friday as long as I do well eating still!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Canceled my training session

So tomorrow I was supposed to have my last session and I was just not feeling it. It was going to be a busy morning with having to get a physical for work, and then I was going to go into work to fill out paperwork after nap. I decided it would be better to do that before my physical so after the kids nap I could take them over to see my Grandpa. His heart surgery is Wed so I know Kellen wasnted to see him beforehand. So I canceled my training session and I am not doing it again! I am newly motivated to watch my diet, and my aim is nothing offer 1200 calories. I was at about 1100 yesterday and should be at that today. I also did 45 min on the elliptical this morning and some abs. I really wish I had an elliptical at the house, but I want a Precor, and we just can't afford that!

Friday, May 4, 2012

One more weight lifting session

I am so done with the trainer and with weights. We did lower body yesterday and I am so sore I can barely walk. I doubt I can even run tomorrow. Bummed. My last session is Tuesday and I am not buying any more! On another note, I tried on some dresses in my closet tonight. I found one I remember wearing to a wedding in 2004! and I can get into it except I can't get the zipper up around my chest. I don't know why my boobs are so big! I am thinking if I can lose 8-10 more pounds it will fit great. It is a size 6, but I think it is more like a 10. I really want to wear it to the winery on July 1. I hate buying fat clothes, so I have been trying to buy as little as possible. I have one pair of jeans and 4 shirts right now. This is the 3rd set of clothes I have bought since Lila was born. 14, 12 and now 10. Once I am a 6/8 I will start shopiing. Can't wait until I can buy fun clothes!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

152.4 yesterday

Really hoping to be at 151 by the end of this week. So I ran 2 miles on Sat and 2.5 miles on Sunday but that is all I have done all week! I have done good on my diet. 1200 today and Monday, 1350 yesterday. Tomorrow I have a workout with the trainer, which I am not really looking forward too! I am really missing yoga...