Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Doing really bad

I have been working out hard, but had a very bad weekend. I am up to 138. That's it for now. Frustrated about it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Body fat - so high

I met with one of the workers at my gym to put together a workout plan and do some measurements. I used a handheld machne that measured my bodyfat at 30%. Online it says that is borderline obese, so I am pretty sure that is wrong. I wear a tight size 6 for crying out loud and I do have a lot of muscle. I think maybe I am 27% or so. But I am motivated to work on my diet. She just modified my weight routine some, and kept me doing so much cardio.

Day 3 of WW, I know I am going to want to snack later. It definitely had been hard and only did an hour of weights today, so not much of a workout.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Starting WW again

This is actually day two. I just cannot seem to eat under 1550 calories a day just watching calories, so I think I will be more disciplined with WW.

I did good yesterday. Based on my points, I ate around 1200 calories. Today I will be eating more as I earned 6 activity points and I am going to eat them!

Tomorrow I am having the gym do my measurements, body fat, and tweak my workout. We will see how it goes.
Today I weighed in at 135.8.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


So my other eating change is making sure to eat more calcium. I don't drink milk, and I usually only have 1-2 servings of dairy a day. Sometimes none. I have noticed in the past I lose weight faster if I eat dairy, and I read some studies in my fitness magazines recently that confirmed this.

Yesterday I had yogurt for breakfast, a skim latte, and some cheese with dinner.

Today I ran 3 miles, and I need to start doing some pilates soon.
Breakfast - english muffin with 1 teas peanut butter and water, strawberries 200 calories
Lunch - triscuits - 150, lettuce, carrots - 25, pepperjack cheese -100, chicken salad - 200, greek yogurt - 125

800 calories so far.
Tonight we are going to church and will probably try to noodles and co that is new by our place. We only eat out about once a week.