Saturday, September 22, 2012

The good, the bad

The good:
I ran twice this week, and plan to again tomorrow.  I am running 2 miles each run until Oct 1, and then I am going follow a 10k training schedule. I am going to run 3 days a week and then do a HIIT workout on my treadmill one morning a week.  I am also joining my yoga studio on Oct 1, so I am hoping to go to 4 yoga/pilates classes a week. 
The bad:
I am done with the alternate day diet.  I am done starving myself one day, and eating way too much the next.  Plus, I have not lost any weight in 2-3 weeks.  I did lose 7 pds on it, and I am afraid I am going to gain it back!
New diet plan is 1400 cal a day on the days I work out.  1200 on the days I don't.  I am going to try to not weigh for a month so I don't get discouraged.

Here is my food for today:
Breakfast- 1 bowl chex, 1 tortilla
Lunch- 1 piece of frozen pizza, 1 banana
Dinner- Stuffed shells with cooking light's alfredo sauce, peas and 1 piece of garlic bread.
Snack- 1 smore - we went on a hay ride.
1400 or so total.

I may post a pic soon!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Still at 140.8

And I am getting mad!  I really want to be done with this diet, but I want to be in the 130's before I stop.  I was hoping to get down to 136 or something so when I stop, it will be fine if I gain back a pound or two.

I went on a 2 mile run yesterday, it felt so great!  I can't wait to run again this weekend.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Or at least I dipped down to there at one time this week.  Today I was up to 140.8.  I am pretty sure I have PMS again.  My period has been every 21 days, which means I have my period for half the month!  I only have a 2 week chance to lose weight each month.  That sucks! 
I have decided I am going off of this diet when I hit 135.  Hoping to hit that by mid October and then just working on toning up!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


I lost .6 pds this week. Last week I lost nothing as I was on my period again. Only 2 pds left to 138.6, my first goal! I have a sore throat, cold and headache today and I am not sure that I am going to be able to stay at 400 calories! I already have had 280 and it is 2:45. Planning on staying on this diet at least another week or two.