Sunday, July 29, 2012


Broke through my plateau! So I lost 2 pounds the first week of the diet. This is great because I also started taking 1 water pill a day instead of 2 so it is a miracle I lost at all. Today is a down day but I know I can do it. Hoping for 143 on Friday!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

End of day 6 of my diet.

And 3 days of 400 calories.  I am weighing in tomorrow and am excited to see if I have lost.  I had a headache this afternoon and was really hungry after about 3 pm.  This has been the hardest day yet.  But I am committing myself to this for at least 2 weeks. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 3 of Diet

So Saturday was my first day of 400 cal, and I ended at 420 for the day.  I also went to a pilates class.  On Sunday I ran 2 miles and ate 1500 calories.  I made a peach and cherry crisp and homemade vanilla bean ice cream and it was so nice to be able to eat that!  Eating 1500 instead of 1100 seems like so much more food!
Today is a down day, meaning 400 calories.  I had 2 cups of green tea and 1 small peach for breakfast.  I just had lunch at 1:30 and could not finish it!  I has a 100 calorie can of Select Harvest soup.  I will probably finish it in a couple of hours.  For dinner, I have leftover Mexican Stuffed peppers.  I had halves of peppers, and they only have 240 calories, so I should be able to eat one for dinner and still be at 400 for the day.

I am going to try to wait to weigh in on Saturday morning.  That would give me a whole week, or 4 down days under my belt to see if this is working yet.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Alternate Day Diet

First day of my new diet tomorrow.  I am trying to eat 400 cal a day, on my down days, and around 1400-1500 on my up days.  I am not going to work out for the first 2 weeks, except for one run a week to maintain.  I plan on running tomorrow morning.

Here is my eating plan:
2 small peachs for breakfast - we got a peck from a local farm
Can of Select Harvest soup for lunch - 100 calories
Luna bar for dinner-
Apple for late night snack.  I work until 11:30 tomorrow night.

I have went on very low calories diets before- 800  cal for a week or 10 days  so I think I will have the willpower for 400 since I can eat normal the next day.

This diet is supposed to keep your body from going in starvation mode.  I still want to lose 9 pounds by Labor Day weekend.  I think that is 6 weeks away.  Hoping this diet will help and then my baby weight will be gone!

I have been loving yoga and pilates.  My body is getting so strong and I know my abs will be really flat once I finish losing this weight!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Did ok today.

Went to a yoga class this morning and was asking my instructor about the blood type diet after class.  She is really into it and holds classes about it.  I have read the books, but I have found parts of it confusing.  Interestingly, she seems to think that I am not eating enough, which is why I am not losing weight when I work out.  When I stop working out, I am eating the same, but losing weight because I am not in starvation mode.  Interesting.  I might bump things up a little bit.  I may do the diet, but I think I might push it to fall.

If I do decide to do a diet, I got the Alternate Day Diet from the library.  I am surprised I never heard of it before.  You eat a normal diet one day, and the next day you eat 500 calories.  You have 3 low cal days a week and activates the skinny gene.   I think I am try that later in August.  Still going to give myself another month of doing what I am doing!

We had Waldo pizza buffet for lunch, but I did not go crazy and had a light lunch and pretty light dinner!

Friday, July 13, 2012

I guess I am going to have to stop working out again...

It seems it is the only way I have been losing lately!  I think after my period is over, I am going to not work out for the rest of the month and some of August and see what happens. I love going to yoga, though, and I am paid up until the end of August.  And the kids drive me crazy which is why I look to work out in the morning!

I am excited about running more in the fall.  Right now I am just trying to hold steady until the heat breaks and then I am going to ramp it up in the fall. 

I was under 1200 calories again yesterday.  I don't know what the problem is, I have been eating so good!
Today I had an english muffin with almond butter for breakfast.  Lunch was a homemade chicken caesar salad.  I could eat one of those almost every day!  I am working tonight, but bringing leftovers with me.  Greek yogurt chicken, sweet potato gnocchi and asparagus.

Not going to let me myself weigh again until Monday or Tuesday.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I don't understand why I am platuead again.  I feel like I am stuck for a couple weeks before I finally drop a few pounds.  I am probably going to start my period early next week and I want to be 145 before then!

I have been feeling like I will be stuck here forever and it is depressing me.  And I have said we aren't going to have another baby until I finish losing my weight.  So then I get upset because I think I won't ever be able to have another baby if I decide for sure that I want to.

I went to Vinyasa yoga last night and I was sore this morning, but still made it to pilates.  I have been to 4 yoga classes this week. 
I bumped my calories up to 1200 because I was getting pissed eating 1100 but not losing anything!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am still hoping to be 145 by Friday!  I ate 1125 calories today and am hoping I will be close today.
I walked Kellen to preschool today.  Pushing the double stroller, it takes me about 30 minutes round trip.  Then I went to Vinyasa yoga- I love that class.  My arms are shaky after it!

I had a bowl of honey bunches of oat for breakfast.  Lunch was 1/2 a hamburger bun with taco meat and 1/2 an ounce of cheese.  We have leftover mexican food tonight.  Tacos, rice and black beans.  I am making homemade tortillas for the first time today.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

New resolve

I was at 146.8 yesterday.  I really want to be 145 by Friday.  I am planning on going to yoga or pilates 4 or 5 times this week, plus run on Sunday.  In July I am just going to run 1 day each week to keep up my endurance to see if I can lose weight just with the yoga.  I am also going to lower my calories down to 1100 on some days. I am going to pick up the running more in the fall.  I should be able to get in 3-4 runs a week.  I love the fall!
I can tell you that losing weight is harder with the 2nd baby.  Granted, I only had to lose 22 pounds or so but I was eating around 1400 cal a day and the weight was coming off at the same pace.

Here are my weight goals:
Aug 1-142
Sept 1- 138 
Oct 1- 134
Nov 1- 130
Dec 1- 125

Basically 1 pound a week for the next 5 months.  Taking this weight off is taking forever!  If I meet my goal I would have lost 53 pounds in 13 months. 

I am getting sick of feeling fat for so long.  I just want to feel normal again.  I got a few bad pictures taken this weekend and I am going to print it out and put it on my fridge!  I just want out of the 140's and I think I will feel a little better.

Today I had a fab breakfast at the bed and breakfast.  I am giving myself 600 calories for breakfast.  I did not eat it all. I left the salad, half a potato and half the quiche.  I finished the fruit and french toast though!  I have two tacos from Jack in the Box on the way home.  340 calories.  I am not cooking tonight.  We are either having plain leftover pasta with red sauce or I am going to just have a protein shake.  It is still hot here, so having a cool protein shake actually sounds really good!  I just have to keep my hands off the snack mix!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ugh, back up to 148

I had a  bad sinus infection Friday and Saturday and had an awful headache/mirgrain to go with it.  So I ate whatever I wanted since I felt crappy.  Then I did not keep track of my calories on Sunday because I ate leftovers from Rumors Steakhouse and I didn't know how many calories it had.
Last night I worked, and I had to hang out at Sonic for an hour, because one of the girls I cart back and forth to work was not off work yet.  So I ate a little something there at like 9 pm.

Today I weighed in, and I was not happy!  I went to a great yoga class this morning and am on a good track for eating so far today.  For breakfast I had a mini bagel and a peach.  Lunch was a turkey sandwich and a few wheat thins and one dark hershey kiss.  Dinner is chicken, rice and black bean wraps.

I have got to get down to 146 by Sat, hoping 145!