Saturday, August 25, 2012


Plateau broken! I was getting really frustrated and told Lee I was only doing this until Aug 31, but if I lose more I will continue! Only 2.6 pounds left! I have been truly alternating down and up days this week instead of having two up days each weekend. I was sabotaging myself!

Friday, August 17, 2012


Yeesh, I gained this week. I have an up day today and I am eating way too many calories because I am eating lunch and dinner out. Tomorrow I am doing a medium day..1000 cal or so and then I am no longer having Fri/Sat be up days. Only 1, because I am eating way too much! I am only doing this for sure until Sept 1. I only have 2 weeks to lose almost 4 pds!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I do so bad on my up days

So I weighed today, after 3 ups days and 1 down day and I was 145!  I have been eating too much on my up days, but I always do great on my down days.  I am going to weigh in on Friday and I was really wanting to be 142.  I have 2 down days and 1 up day so it may be doable.

Friday, August 10, 2012


Which is awesome because I am on my period. Hoping for 141 next Friday! Only 4 1/2 pounds left. I can totally do that by Sept 1!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

An updated pic

So I don't have a full body pic, but I don't think I have updated for a long time so I think you can tell I am looking a little bit thinner!

I started my period again,(so early) so I don't know that I am going to weigh this week.  Probably next Friday.  But I can tell you that I need to eat better on my up days.  I did good yesterday but ate too much pizza and cookies last weekend. 
Kellen had a family picnic at preschool and I did not pack a lunch, as it is a down day.  I ate a little of Lila's cheese but that is it.  I have realized I do best if I don't eat all day until dinner and then eat a small dinner.  I will probably eat spinach stuffed shells for dinner, leftover.  So after today, I am working in the evenings the next 5 down days, so August should fly.  It is so much easier not to eat when I am working! 
I think my ultimate goal might be 130, not 125.  14 more pounds just seems so much more doable right now!

Friday, August 3, 2012


6 pounds left!  Hoping for 143 by next Friday.  142 would be a bonus :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I weigh in tomorrow.

I am betting I am still at 145.  Maybe 144 if I am lucky.  All I have had to eat today is a few bites of eggs.  I made 20 breakfast burritos for the freezer!  Dinner is a leftover chicken breast with a salad- lettuce, spinach and caesar dressing.  That should put me at 400 calories.
Tuesday I ate 600 because I was not feeling well.  200 over, but I have another sinus infection.  Started my Z-Pac today.  I have an addiction to Diet A and W root beer on my down days!

I have not done great on my up days so that is why I don't think I will lose.  Saturday Lee and I went to Schlitterbahn without kids and then we ate at Firehouse subs on the way home.  I had a bag of baked chips and a whole briskit sandwich!  Normally I would eat half, but I knew I would starve the next day so I wanted to finish it.  Sunday I did good, with 400 calories. 
Monday was our anniversary so I made breakfast for Lee.  Usually I try to have a small breakfast- less than 200 calories, but I had a breakfast burrito, which was over 300.  Then for dinner I had a Smore's martini and 2 glasses of wine, plus a ton of fondue at The Melting Pot.  It was our 7th anniversary.  The next say was my 600 cal day and then yesterday the sinus infection was still in full effect so I know I ate over 1600 cal.  My goal on up days is 1400-1500.

So doing good today and I hope I don't blow it on my up days on Fri/Sat.  I am definitely going to do the diet at least 1 more week and if I keep losing, I will do it the rest of August.  7 pds left!