Saturday, March 28, 2009

Taking a break from WW

SO I am down to 132.3, which is great news. Just 6.8 pounds to go which is totally doable for me! I am so close to the 120's..I am very happy.
Weight watchers suggested I eat more dairy. I will eat string cheese 4-5 times a week and that's all the dairy I get. I hate milk. So I am making an effort to eat more yogurt, and maybe some sugar free chocolate milk. When I was pregnant I craved milkshakes, but instead I drank whole chocolate milk from a local farm and it was amazing! Part of what got me into this mess in the first place!

So we went out with a bunch of friends to an Italian restaurant last night. DH was ordering chicken spedieni with alfredo sauce and the portions are huge. I did not want to spend 15 dollars for some ravioli, so I said I will just get a dinner salad and eat a little but of his. I ate my caesar salad and 3 french rolls, and but then they just brought me half of his entree on my own plate, and I ate it all!
To top it off I had 1 shot and 2 malibu's and diet cokes at the casino we went to after. At 3 am when we went to our roomm, dh stopped and got nachos and I ate half a cinnamon roll.

I was slightly hung over this morning and ate a bagel with cream cheese, which was about 500 calories. So I ate all my WW weekly points in 12 hours and I have till Thursday till my points start over. Which means I just get my daily 19 points, which equals out to 950 calories a day. I'm not doing that! Plus my period will be here so I won't lose any when I weigh in anyway.

I will be just trying to eat around 1250 calories until ww starts over next Friday.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Down to 133.4

I did join WW 12 days ago. I have lost 1.4 pounds so far, but nothing for a week. I think I need to not use my weekly points, or use less.
Exactly 8 pounds to go!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

10 pounds gone!

I have lost 10 pounds since Jan 2. YAY!
I have 9 pounds left. I'm thinking about doing WW. I'm thinking it will just take me 6 weeks or so and then I can enjoy my summer!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I really need to update this more often!

I think when I was updating everyday I was doing better on my diet!

So...I did do my arm workout 3 times this week. Feeling good about that... I have lost another pound, down to 135. 9 pounds lost total! And I'm fitting into some pants I definitely couldn't wear just a few months ago.

I'm still debating about weight watchers. If I join, I need to before free registration ends next Saturday. I want to do WW, I just don't want to pay to weigh in every week!

Oh yeah, and now that the weather is warming up, I'm running 3 miles, 3 times a week.