Thursday, April 26, 2012

Back up to 154. GRRR

I cannot seem to get to the 140's! I did spin yesterday and lifted and I was starving all day, and stayed at 1300 calories. I burned 600 calories during my workout, according to my heart rate monitor. And my reward is gaining almost 2 pounds? I am done lifting, except for the 2 sessions I have with my trainer left. I now remember why I don't typically lift weights. I lose faster when I am doing cardio and pilates/yoga. So back to that. I looked back at when I was losing after Kellen was born, and I was doing 3-4 hours of cardio each week. So back to that goal. I am at 1175 for the day. Almost bed time, so I will probably call it a night.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


So I lost 1.6 pounds. YAY! I so want to get in the 140's by May 4. That gives me 2.4 pounds to lost in 1 1/2 weeks. I had a workout with my trainer today, and I can tell I am getting sore. I worked out pretty hard. Monday I did 45 min on the elliptical and abs. Sunday I ran 2 miles. Tomorrow is spin class and I need to lift again. I made dark chocolate sea salt brownies for admin prof day tomorrow and Lee is taking the to work. But I ate two. Other than that I did a good job eating.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I am still at 153. I thought for sure I would be down a pound or two today. Hopefully tomorrow. I am getting paranoid that I won't lose anymore weight! I did the elliptical for 45 minutes today and abs. I did a few leg exercises, but Lila was not happy in the daycare. Kellen was at school and this was her first time there alone. When I checked on her, she was crying and stroking her hair (which she does to comfort herself) so I got her and we left. It doesn't look like it is going to rain, so I think I will walk to pick up Kellen. That will give me another 35 or 40 minutes of cardio. I really want to be down to 152 tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spin class today

I took my first spin class since I got pregnant with Lila and it felt good! My bodybugg said I burned 200 calories in the 30 minute class, which I thought was on the low side. It supposedly doesn't measure cycling well. I want to wear my heart rate monitor next time. I have about 300 calories left for a snack before bed. Yesterday I was at 1200 calories, and did 1 hour of weights with the trainer. The hour went by so fast! I only had time to do 15 min on the elliptical before I had to get the kids home for dinner. I heard Lila shrieking from the daycare! I really want to be by 152 by Friday and would love to be at 150 by next Friday.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

153 on Friday

And I started my period that day, so not bad. I met with my trainer on Tuesday and it was just a consult. My body fat is 31 or 33%. I don't remember which one. I actually thought it would be over 35% so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He seemd to think I could get down to 18-20% body fat. I am afraid of the diet he is going to recommend next Tuesday so I have kind of been eating like crap! He wants me to be losing 2-3 pounds a week, which would be nice. Better than my 1 pound a week average. Tonight we are going to a work event, so I will be pigging out on BBQ I am sure!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Back up to 154

I did not track calories Sunday or Monday. Or go for a run because my foot is bothering me. I think it is all those downward dogs and planks I have been doing. But I am meeting with my trainer in about 45 minutes! And I have been very careful today. I have got to get rid of the mac and cheese and carrot cake tonight!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I have lost 25 pounds total since Halloween! Only 15 pounds of baby weight left. Then maybe 10-15 after that. I was at 1300 yesterday and went to a Pilates class. Today is Easter and I am hosting. I am going to try to get a run in and not eat too much! Mac and cheese and carrot cake will be my weakness!

Friday, April 6, 2012

An updated pic

This was on Lila's 1st birthday. The pic is a little close but I am looking a little better.


I am over today because of a glass of wine. I took the kids to the zoo with a friend today so I did a lot of walking.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

1350 all week

I think I need to be posting everyday, because I am definitely eating too much. If I can be at 1200 tops, I will definitely be losing faster. And Easter is this weekend at our house, and I will making carrot cake and mac and cheese, huge weaknesses for me. Tuesday night I ran 2 miles. I wanted to run more, but my foot was starting to hurt. Yesterday I took hatha yoga and today piyo. I made an appt with a trainer for Tuesday afternoon so I am excited about that. Today- Breakfast burrito. Then I had a slight binge and had a kids clif Z bar for 110 calories, string cheese and some baked ruffles. Lunch was cilantro rice, black beans, cheese, avocado and sour cream. Homemade burrito bowl. I also had about a third of the soft taco that I made Lila. That girl can eat! I wish I could be in the 25% and eat like her! Dinner- I am making 7up and sour cream biscuits (so good) and white chicken chili. I only have 275 calories left for dinner - darn big! I will be going over again. Oh, and I am down to 154.6. I want to get down to the 140's by May 1.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Yesterday I weighed 155. I am hoping to be down to 153 by Friday. Saturday I are right at 1200 calories. Yesterday I was good until we decided to get frozen yogurt after dinner, so I ended the day at 1350. I did not run this weekend since I am letting my foot rest. I am hoping to run one day this week and this weekend. I am planning on going to yoga 3-4 times this week. Something great about that is that yoga does not make me hungry! I am really sore after a workout, and definitely building muscle, but I can watch my calories close. When I workout at the gym, I am starving afterward and that's when I can down 400 calories of pita chips and hummes!