Saturday, June 20, 2009

Met 1st goal!

So I am at 125.8, and my before baby weight was 125.4. I'm am considering this goal met! I would like to lose an additioanl 5 pounds by the end of the summer. We shall see. I am pretty comfortable here. I got lots of compliments from my friends when I was in a bikini last weekend. I got compliments on my 6 pack! Although I don't think I really have one.

I will put picture of myself the day after I got my positive pregnancy test, 1 year post partum, and now 5 months into my diet.
I was so down for a long time thinking my body was never going to be the same. Now I am so happy - it's not exactly the same but pretty good!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

2 Weeks of WW

So...I have done really well doing WW and have not even eaten all of my activity points. Last week I got down to 127.2. My weight hasn't budged since then, but my period just ended. I think tomorrow it may show on the scale. I do take measurements though, and my waist was down to 26 1/2. It was 25 before pregnancy. I would just like to get under 26.

Tomorrow we are going to a party where I am bringing Ina Garten's Outrageous Brownies. They will be hard to resist. And Sat we are going on a roadtrip to a winery and then I will be hunover Sunday and making bad food choices. It will be a bad weekend for dieting!